Monday, December 17, 2007

Analyst of Another Blog on "Sleep Deprivation"

The organization is in this blog is magnificent, the blog is very informative to the point in which the blog becomes persuasive. The author, Dr. Breus puts you in his shoes from the opening sentence of the passage. The topics mentioned are comparisons to the start time on schools located in Toronto. These schools begin at 11:30 which are accomodating the time schedules that certain students are programmed on. The main focus on this blog is addressing that every age groups are on different time clocks, making their bodies adapt to the 24 hr day differently. After the age of 20, your body clock performs faster causing your body to move faster which makes it wake up earlier. Agreeing with my 1st post students and even adults perform better during the school and work day when their schedule start at a later time. This blog supplies a video which gives primary information from a sleep deprivation victim. This blog cities numerous sources of information. It has highlighted words that links you the reader to more in depth defintions and more are provided at the bottom.
The 2nd article entitled "Tenns Sleep and School: ..."

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